Today I decided to ride Lucy to the Y, for my pool and run workout. It was a bit cooler out today, so I put on my heavier gear, including my MJ jacket and my lighter lobster claw gloves. I was warm enough. My toes were white and numb when I was undressing in the locker room, but what else is new??
My pool workout was nice. I really pushed myself. I started with a 400 yrd warm-up, and then did 5 x 50 yrds with the kick-board. I have been using the kick-board a lot lately, and I really think that it is improving my kicking strength, technique, and all around awareness to maintain a strong kick throughout my swim. It is easy to get limp legs. lol
When I was on my 3rd kicking 50, a lady jumped into my lane with me. There is sort of an etiquette to lane sharing. I can't speak for every pool, but at this one, if there are 2 swimmers in the lane, they will split the lane, each taking their own side of it. If a 3rd swimmer joins, then the swimmers must use the lane as if it were lanes of traffic; stay to the right and go in a circle. The lanes are also designated by speed: SLOW, MEDIUM, and FAST. Common sense would seem to dictate that if you are dead slow...stay in the slow lane. lol Anyway, this lady joined my lane and then seemed to ignore the "split the lane" thing, and started down my side. I adjusted my course. When I got to the other end of the pool, I moved my things over to that side of the lane, and prepared to push off from the wall. Well, she switched sides too. *sigh* "She must not understand," I thought, so I waited for her to swim down to me, so I could talk to her. When she stopped I said, "would you like to split the lane?" and she says in this very condescending tone, "Ooooh! That's what you want to do?" Then she pushes off the wall and breast strokes away. Huh...? I was totally polite...
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I saw this church on a ride the other day and thought it was kinda cool. |
As he sat down to get in the pool, I saw him glance at the lane sign. He looked irritated. He looked at my lane partner. I felt bad for him. Then he says, "people don't pay attention to the pace signs!" He was right, and they are there for a reason. Our lane partner was approaching so I decided to take action and I tapped her. She stopped and said, "I'll just go in an empty lane." When we told her that they were all full, she almost snarkily says (while looking right at me), "Well I can go in a circle!" At this point I very politely (I swear to God I was polite! I was really trying!) pointed to the lane sign and said, "Well, this is actually the fast lane, so I'm not..." but she had cut me off. "Well that shouldn't be a problem. You haven't passed me yet!" WTF? I was speechless. (I was lapping her when I was just using the flippin' kick-board! BTW) I looked at the man, and he looked as confused as me. Clearly this was a woman who was not playing with a full deck. There was really nothing left to be said! lol Luckily, just then, a lane opened up and she took it. *phew*
After all of that nonsense, I did another 8 x 50 yrd sprints, 4 x 50 yrd kick drills, and then finished up with a 200 yrd cool-down. It was a great swim. I pushed myself really hard and it felt great. After my swim, it was time to run. I had planned to run 3 miles, but I ended up running 4. I felt great! I even considered going longer, but I decided that I could lengthen my run Wednesday if I want to. I was very careful to eat my chews and drink plenty of water throughout my workout. I hate tanking, and I can do it really easy. I was pretty pooped on my ride home, but I made it!
Have you practiced your transitions yet?
ReplyDeleteYes, I have had one quick change in my workout per week since the beginning. Now I am doing 2 QC's per week, plus other slower transitions. As the weather improves, so do my opportunities to get those kind of workouts in. :)
DeleteCool, because I can't stress how important it is. I learnt the hard way doing duathlons. It's something you can practice in your house though. Change from swim stuff to bike stuff and then to run stuff. Time it each time and see if you can beat your best! It's quite fun in a weird way! You'll have to laugh at yourself!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think I need to practice just the changing clothes/gear more. I have become quite stressed out about my hair, actually. This is nothing new however. My hair is quite long and heavy, and I need to find a way to put it back where it will be suitable for all 3 sports.
DeleteMmmm now there's a new dilemma I've never had to face. Shave all your hair off? Oh god no don't, terrible idea. Lol. I have no idea!
DeleteCutting it isn't an option, trust me! lol A few summers back my hair was clear down to my butt and I decided to cut it and donate it, to make wigs for kids with cancer... OMG... She cut off almost a foot and a half of hair! I sobbed uncontrollably for hours. I stick to trims now. lol