Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sun? Yes!

Round yellow ball icon GOOD.
This weekend should be wonderful for riding! Cervelo Girl approves.


  1. So jealous, we have nothing but rain this weekend - happy riding!

  2. I did have a fun ride yesterday. I hooked the trailor up to Lucy and towed the dogs in their kennel to Matthews Beach. The ride was only 13 miles but I sure got a workout! Those hills were brutal with the extra weight! My dogs are so cool though, speeding along at 40 mph on the down hill!

  3. Thought that it was about time I said "Hi" :D I have been following your blog for a while and really like it! Thanks for your comment on my blog about Sizes Matters and wow a 54! The Cervelo bikes are really sweet bikes though!

    Dogs and a trailer hey? That sounds quite different actually never heard of that being done before :D

    I agree with Merry*Death I am quite jealous too of the sunshine, there has been loads of rain here in England and Hail stones! Can't wait for the sun!

  4. They love it when we go fast, but whine when we go slow. It's just like when we are in the car; love the freeway, but as soon as we get off, they get all anxious because they know we must be close!

    My older dog likes to ride in my backpack too, with his head sticking out. I also have this thing called a Pup-to-Go, which is like a Baby Bijorn, but for a dog. It even has a tail hole! That way he can ride on my chest, face forward, with the wind in his face. He loves it, but everyone, including my kids, look at me like I'm completely bonkers. I am not one of those fruit loops that carries her dog in a purse in the grocery store and mall...just on my chest on the occasional bike ride! ;)

  5. We just got a trailer from my sister-in-law and are looking forward to using it to haul groceries and whatnot. I tease about taking the cats out for a ride in it, but I doubt they'd be as enthused as your dogs.
