My work schedule changed this week, and won't be working Tuesdays anymore. This morning that I could use the sleep, so I slept in and went to the Y in the evening. The crowd is totally different in the evening; more kids, and less old ladies. There were 3 lap lanes open, and when I arrived, one of them was empty, so I hopped into that one. One of the women in the lane over, offered to share her workout sheet with me. That was nice of her, but I declined. I felt like day dreaming.
After awhile a teen girl came and joined me in my lane. I asked her if she would like to split the lane and she agreed. A swim lane normally works like when driving on a US road; you stay to the right and you basically go in a circle. Most people do this in a lane when they are alone, or there are several people in a lane. However, if there are only 2 people in a lane, you can split the lane and each of you just stay on your own side. That way if you go at a different pace, you do not affect each others workout. This young lady had some trouble with this concept. It took 2 verbal reminders and 3 crashes for her to remember how it worked. Poor thing, I think she was just on autopilot. I was gentle. ;)
After roughly 2600 yards, I was about to get out of the pool, when the same gal from the next lane started up a conversation with me about how her and her friend were training for Alcatraz. I thought that was pretty cool. I used to work with a guy years ago who swam that after he had become partially paralyzed from the waist down, after getting cancer on his spine. Crazy amazing, if you ask me! Anyway, we got to talking, and it turns out that one of them was an Ironman race official! Ha! We ended up chatting about this and that, and the different rules and such for about 15 minutes in the hot tub. It was pretty cool.
Just as I was about to get out, guess who happens to walk out onto the pool deck, but Tri-Guru, himself! It was great to see him! I was supposed to head upstairs for my run, but I couldn't pass up a chance to swim with TG, so I got back in the pool! lol We ended up watching each others stroke and he gave me some tips on new drills to try. He has a beautiful stroke, and he actually said that mine was very nice as well. :D He did give me some things to think on though. I might be expending too much energy on the recovery part of my stroke... I am going to do more fingertip drag drills. After that, we did laps. All in all, I put in a ton of swim time tonight!
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